Sunday, January 13, 2008

Its the people, stupid

It is something most people understand from birth, but not me. I was wired to get things done, "things" were my focus. I design things I plan things I do things I accomplish things I fix things, you get the point. I am comfortable with that, but I have started realizing lately that though I was doing and taking care of some important "things" I was missing out on the higher priority-people. I know that most reading this are thinking DUH! everyone knows that people are "our most important resource." That, by the way was one of the buzz phrases used at one of the corporations I worked at, they implemented their focus on people about as well as I have. Which is to say, poorly. Anyway, God has recently shifted my heart. Though I am still far from where I should be, I have turned the corner.

Today me, my client and a couple coworkers went snorkeling on a small island off the Island of Batam. We landed on the island and I saw this awesome photo opportunity-a grounded boat perched precariously on the sand. I walked over to the boat and started taking photos. In the background I heard this chattering, just some background noise. As I got up from taking the photos I realized I had walked by a group of young ladies who were there on some sort of field trip (so I guess). They were all looking at me and giggling and trying to get my attention-they wanted me to photograph them. It startled me that I could be so oblivious to people because I was so focused abandoned boat. I felt like a goof. Anyway, you can see the photos. Maybe next trip I will notice the people first, then the boat, otherwise I will have once again "missed the boat."

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