Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blog Shortcut

It has been a busy time. I am working on two engineering projects and trying to wrap up post-production on my movie, "Spirits Among Us." It is a good kind of busy, but busy nonetheless.

What I am finding is that this current state is consuming 100% of my mental and creative energy. I have nothing left for insights, or interesting thoughts to post on the blog. I'm mental, that is certain, but just not very creative right now (outside my three projects). When I'm not working on the movie or one of the engineering projects I have noticed that I have no thoughts in my head. It is very quiet, just kind of a hollow sound. No self-talk, no debates, no observations epiphanes or insights, just an eerie silence.

So, I am taking a shortcut and giving you a link to my movie blog, here it is:


Anonymous said...

Ray, I think your brain is telling you that it wants a vacation! Your Central Processing Unit (CPU) has been going full tilt lately. When you hear the hollow sound followed by eerie silence, the next step is usually sensing that tumbleweed is blowing across the main data bus of your brain. This could lead to the need for a complete reboot of the operating system.... I think that means that bro Ray should think about taking a much needed vacation when these projects are completed! Speaking for myself and the rest of the blog groupies, I'd like to say that we appreciate hearing any news you have to share, even when the CPU is momentarily in neutral!

DGW said...

I believe you are correct. Maybe if I install a cooling fan on my head I can continue to overclock my CPU without burning it out. Hey, I remember those hats with the propeller on them!