Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Edit's Done!

Post-production of my movie "Spirits Among Us" has absorbed much of my time and energy lately, but the editing portion is done. I still need to author the dvd, finish the dvd cover art and poster, and plan the premiere party, but having the edit done is a huge milestone.
You can read a bit more at my movie blog "spiritsamongusmovie.blogspot.com" if you like.
We also having been spending a lot of fun time out on our boat. That is great fun. I bought a kneeboard and the kids are loving that. I will bring the camera next time a grab a few photos.
I saw a hearse today. It had dual chromed exhaust pipes. I have never before seen a high performance hearse. I guess its for those who don't want to be late to their own funeral.
I was walking our dog today. While crossing at the crosswalk at a 4-way stop a man left the stop sign and started heading right for us. I jumped back and pulled Sandy (our dog) back with me, and the car stopped before getting too close. At first I was mad, but then I saw he was talking on his cell phone, and I realized he just had more important things to do. He was probably thinking "I'm on the phone, do you mind!"
I'm glad hurricane Gustav didn't wreak too much havoc. Praise the Lord for that.

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