Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brain Drain

It has been a very, very long time since I have updated this blog and my Spirits Among Us blog. It isn't that there haven't been things to talk about or share, I've just had 100% of my time and creativity absorbed lately. I am grateful that I have not been traveling abroad lately, because it has given me time to work on two very important projects; my next film and a Christian media event.
It might appear to some that I have too much on "my plate" and I question that myself sometimes. But it always boils down to this, I am doing what I believe God is leading me to do, so I can't ignore any one of them, I have to pursue them. I used to use an analogy concerning my work in secular business (engineering) and my work in ministry business (Christian movie production). I likened it to having one foot on the dock (secular) and one foot on the boat (ministry). That was easy until the boat began moving from the dock. Eventually was going to have to either jump onto the boat or onto the dock, because my legs were getting stretched far apart.
I prayed about this often. It has been my desire for quite awhile to have a full-time ministry career. Yet I am still straining with one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat. God revealed to me three truths.
1. It is not a dock and a boat, but two boats, that I have my feet on
2. God is steering both boats
3. God is helping me to grow longer legs

Here is what this means in the real, non-analogy world:
1. I am doing what God wants me to do
2. I am moving in the right direction, His direction
3. He is helping me to manage people and multiple tasks better, without becoming overwhelmed
4. He is helping me to form teams that help me in achieving the goals He has set before me
5. By getting other people (teams) involved, God is able to use these activities to help them grow in their discipleship.

That is it for now. Please visit to learn what we are doing with this conference. Please visit in a few days to learn about the next movie we are working on.

Have a blessed day, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Yes, I know the feeling. I wrote a poem with such a theme when I was about your age. I likened the feeling to trying to keep so many balls in the air at once....and I am not a juggler. No matter what age, I find that one must continue to try to define priorities ( and the energy ebbs all the time).....sigh!!