Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Here is an interesting shot showing some of the natural beauty in Batam, Indonesia. I've been here for a few weeks now and what strikes me is the contrast. The contrast between the natural beauty that surrounds the city, the not-so-beautiful living conditions of most of the inhabitants of the island, and the living conditions of most of us in the USA. When I see kids playing in the dirt outside a make-shift home just inches off the busy street traffic I am reminded of just how amazingly blessed we are in the United States. Every day I see families of four, sometimes including a toddler and a baby, all riding one motorcycle through the congested streets. Everyone should have a few trips to these types of places to remind them of just how blessed we are. The photos tell a little of the story.

I'm proud to be an American, but ashamed at how many times I take God's blessings for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your 'facility experience' had me laughing.......that is, until the end. Yes, such experiences can give us a very different perception of life. By the way, in my trip into a 3rd world, their facility (if they had one) did not even have a squirty thing. I live a very blessed life.