Thursday, June 5, 2008

Good to be Home

I got home last night. It is so good to be with my family and familiar things. I haven't done much since I've been home. I relaxed in the front yard with my family and a neighbor, I took our dog for a walk, I went to the doctor to check on my various ailments, then made the mistake of reading emails asking me to get back to work.

The photo is of one of the many animals that visit our backyard. I took it with my new Olympus E510 camera. I just unwrapped that after getting home from my trip. The camera, not the squirrel.

Well, enough blogging for now-there won't be any revelations or insights in this post. I'm too tired.


Barb said...

Welcome home!! Let somebody else read your emails...Barb

Anonymous said...

Yes, the rest of us have to be a little concerned about what you are unwrapping these days after hearing the story about the new tastes for strange food that you developed in Thailand! Just kidding! Glad you got home safely Prayers were answered. It would probably be good to remind yourself that email requests are secondary to getting over jet lag, and getting reacquainted with your family. You mom is right about the emails.