Sunday, July 6, 2008


I apologize for having such a long time span between posts. I've been busy, and trying to spend as much time as I can with my family. So, when I thought "hey, I'm going to run up to my office and write a funny post," I would cancel that notion and go spend that time with my wife or kids. I decided that they needed my attention more. It has become more obvious to me lately that relationships really out-rank the other activities in life in regards to having lasting value, and in regards to the beneficial effects.

My wife and I recently read a book "My Descent Into Death." It has been a real eye-opener for both of us. We also recently read "90 Minutes in Heaven." Each of these books reminded me about the importance of maintaining an eternal perspective. Sometimes (too often) my life gets really small. What I mean is that I am so focused on one little problem or circumstance that it becomes the most important thing in the universe, maybe even the only thing in the universe! That type of perspective has not served me that well. The world is big. I know that, because I've seen a lot of it. The universes is even bigger, and God and the heavens are even bigger than that. So, my little concerns that consume so much of my energy are about as significant as (insert clever and humorous analogy of your choice here, I've run out of time).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Finally some relief on the dry and thirsty blogger plain! Just kidding, but good to hear some after California trip news. Looks like the Lord is really helping you to see the big picture in the area of priorities. This has gotta be a good cure for stess and high blood pressure too!