Thursday, July 31, 2008


The title of my blog “Stumbling Toward God” isn’t just an attention-grabbing title, it is actually what I feel like I have been doing most of my life. I try to know God better, and serve Him better, but I seem to trip over many things and I often trip over myself.

I’m still learning that relationships hold a higher ranking than accomplishments. For some that comes easy. For me it does not. It is our voyage that is the goal, not the outcome of our efforts. It is a voyage largely into the unkown. I could be called the stumbling voyager.

Here is an excerpt from a recent devotional “My Utmost for His Highest” that articulates my thoughts well:

“We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God’s purpose for us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite. We have the idea that God is leading us toward a particular end or a desired goal, but He is not. The question of whether or not we arrive at a particular goal is of little importance, and reaching it becomes merely an episode along the way. What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself.

It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.”

So, I’ve been trying to add “activities with other humans” to my daily “to do” list. If I don’t put it on the list, I won’t do it. Isn’t that “interesting.” An example of this is, last weekend I actually did very little “productive” activity. I spent a lot of time with family and friends, below are some photos to prove it. That was time well spent, even though I had to convince myself it was okay to not work for about 1 day. I’m learning.

The first photo is one of our new boat. If you look closely you can read the name of the boat "Voyager."

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