Thursday, July 24, 2008

Engineering Nerdiness

Some of the things that I consider interesting, or even exciting, would bore most people to tears. I am evaluating new solid-modeling and 2D design software, and I'm really excited about it. Engineers typically design using 2D design software, and sometimes get to use 3D (solid modeling) software. Both programs are expensive, typically out of reach of individuals. The 3D stuff costs several thousand dollars. But...we finally have two viable competitors that offer nearly identical programs to the most popular (really expensive) ones, at about 1/5 the price. That is why I'm excited.

So...I've been hunkered over my keyboard the last few days fiddling around with these programs during the trial period, to make sure they are worth the investment. Isn't that just about the most exciting thing you've heard of? I doubt it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you may not be at the point where Gail will have to order you one of those jackets that buttons down the back (strait-jacket), but I could see that getting into 3D modeling could be a great stepping stone to getting into producing computer animated features. No crew problems, & no problems with tempermental actors either. Just draw a face on that valve and you've got a whole new genre of animated characters! Pixar may have a new contender to deal with! Let's see... instead of Veggie Tales you could call your brood the "Lasting Castings!