Monday, July 14, 2008

The Void

We’ve all heard it before, and we understand it intellectually, but remembering it and practicing it in our daily lives is difficult. We all have a void in us. We all have this sense of incompleteness. We try to fill the void with activities, productivity, projects, sports, food, various pleasures, etc. The list is endless. These never properly fill the void, but just offer temporary relief of our sense of incompleteness.

In September of 2007 an event occurred in my life that made me acutely aware of my void. Until recently I have felt the pain, the emptiness, like hunger pains, but more focused in the center of my being. I tried to fill the void with activities, immersing myself in my work, but it never brought lasting satisfaction. The Creator put a hole in my being that only can be filled with one thing. That is right, you know what I’m talking about, I’m talking about a boat-shaped hole. You see, I sold my boat last year, and have been feeling empty and incomplete ever since. Only a boat can fill that void, anything else just brings temporary relief. So, coming to terms with this truth, we bought a boat. It is a big boat, and we love it. My family is back on the water again with me and it feels great!

The photo is a manufacturer’s photo of a later model version of our boat. I haven’t taken photos of our boat yet, I’ve been too busy driving it around the lake. Yee Haww! I love boating.


Anonymous said...

This post was hilarious! . . . I certainly hope that was the intent! What a build up to the revelation of the "Void". I thought you were building up to some great Spiritual truth about the vacuum in the soul or human spirit prior to Salvation! But alas, we learn that there are two kinds of "Voids", i.e. "Emotional Voids" that only a new boat, a Corvette, or a 350 psi power washer can fill; and the Spiritual kind that only the presence of the Holy Spirit can fill.

DGW said...

That's right Bob,
The point of this post was to get away from all the serious business and just have a laugh. Glad it worked.
Corvette, hmmm. I have felt that something was missing ever since I sold my red Camaro.