Sunday, July 20, 2008


We just got home from my 30 year high school reunion. Wow, 30 years, no wonder I feel old-I am! It was great fun talking with so many people I hadn't seen in so long. It was interesting to learn what courses their lives had taken.

Some people were divorced, some never married, some have battled thyroid cancer, some are rocket scientists, some are ministers working for Pat Robertson, some are opening night clubs, some are airline pilots, some live in the U.K., some have lived in Australia, everyone has an interesting story.

I wish I had talked to these people more when I actually was going to the high school.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Glad you had a fun reunion. Gail said she enjoyed it also. Didn't recognize anyone in your pics...but may not have known them. Your classmates do sound interesting! The reason you didn't talk to them in high school is that they were not that interesting then!