Thursday, March 26, 2009

Christian Movies

Today's post is just a question, two actually. I would like feedback from everyone with an opinion relating to these:

Question 1:
"What would motivate Christians to watch more Christian films, maybe one per month?"

Question 2:
"What would motivate non-Christians to watch films that have a Christian message?"

1 comment:

Barb said...

I rarely see a movie of any kind, either on TV or other so my comments may not be very relevant. But I like stories I can relate to.....simple, common everyday issues and circumstances. Whether Christian or non Christian, I believe that would be the case. Thinking back to the 40's when we were at war, entertaining movies with a patriotic theme were very well accepted. There is much fear today and people are looking for hope as never before. I think they may be drawn to the simple life stories....stories of courage and truth. May God make you aware of what He wants His people to know.