Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Cross

Our family watched "The Passion of the Christ" last night. I thought the kids were old enough to see it. It is brutal to watch, but a very, very important message comes through in that movie-the extent of sacrifice and complete hellish misery that Jesus Christ endured, all because of our sins.
As we came to the scene where the man is told to help carry Jesus's cross, I said out loud "what an honor to be side-by-side, carrying the cross with Jesus." Then I said to myself, "I wish I could have been there, and been the one to help carry the cross." Then just as that thought went through my mind I realized how short-sighted that thought was! Jesus has asked us (and me) to "pick up your cross and follow me." I CAN walk side-by-side with him, and bear the burdens that come with giving up pursuit of my pleasures to fully serve Him. I won't see him, and I won't have a physical wooden cross on my back, but I can have the honor of serving Him using the life, time and resources He has provided me.
After seeing the movie again, I came away with the thought that no matter what I sacrifice over my remaining years to serve Him here on earth, it won't equal even a few minutes of the sacrifice and suffering He did for me.
The photograph is of me and my good friend Pradit. Pradit lives in Thailand, and has graciously invested a substantial sum of money in my next movie. His is an encouragement to me.


Barb said...

You touch me with your post, Ray. I am proud you are my son.
Please tell me again about Pradit...not a Christian, right? Amazing that he wanted to have a part in your film, whether or not he is a Christian. That money will touch his people also. God works in such mysterious us, that is.

Dawn Bursell said...

So true! Take up your cross daily. It's a long arduous journey of long-suffering, even through our daily walk. But then, at times it's like we're two feet in mid air in love with life in the Lord! Such a simple statement you made. Yet, such huge personal revelation!

Bro Bob said...

I've re-read the posts on the last two blog entries, and I am starting to think that Barb and Dawn might be good candidates for the DGW writing team. They both have a way with words and express themselves well!