Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pain Management

I understand time management, money management and similar terms, but "pain management" has perplexed me. I know that many people with medical conditions have doctors talk to them about pain management, and I think that is okay. But, I don't think "management" is the correct term. Things like time and money are limited, and valuable resources. It is responsible to manage time and money, I get that. But "pain management?" I don't want to "manage" pain, I want to elimate or minimize it. Pain is not a resource, is it? Ah Hah! I was recently reading another book by Don Piper, and my perspective shifted. He was crushed and instantly killed when an 18-wheeler ran over his little Ford escort. He was dead for 90 minutes, then came back to life. He really didn't wan't to come back after experiencing Heaven, and he certainly questioned why God brought him back during his months of excruciatly painful, unbearable recovery. Then he figured it out. By experiencing extreme pain, he could now relate to others in extreme pain, who otherwise would probably not give salvation through Jesus Christ a second thought.
So, "pain management" now means to me to take the hardships that come my way, and ask God to use them, and me, to accomplish His purpose. I've had some pain, not so much as others, but I've had my share. It is not right for me to act like it doesn't exist, that is not helpful to anyone. What God wants me to do is "fess up" about the events in my life that hurt, and then use that to connect to others, to honestly "feel their pain" and let them know that they are not alone.
This blog entry may be confusing to you, but it makes sense to me.
The photo is of our dog, Sandy, at the lake today. She helps keep our family stay in focus.


Barb said...

You continue to amaze me with your searching for meaning. The Bible says that when we seek we will find, so He is pleased with your looking for meaning to life...not in the secular world, but in Him. Yes, we all experience pain and it is not sent to us to punish us, but that He might be glorified in and through us.
Sandy seems to not be experiencing any pain....a good example of being who God created.

Bro Bob said...

I think I can speak for all your blog followers, myself included, when I say... It was refreshing to get this blog update after four months! This may not be a pain issue but definitely falls in the category of blog, separation anxiety! [grin]! Good to see that you are back on the blogging trail once again!

DGW said...

Thanks Bob and Mom, your comments are very encouraging. Sorry for the long gap between blogs. So much to write about, so little time.

Dawn Bursell said...

Yes, I second Barb's and BroBob's comments. It is very refreshing and well....nice to hear and follow your "searching for meaning". You are truly mining the word in your every day life, and recognizing what is valuable and what is NOT. "Seek and ye shall find". I believe through your searching and mining the truth and personality of God, you will develop your finest masterpiece yet! And you...AND the Lord will be pleased! God bless you Ray. In all your "searchings" and ZEAL for life! Amazing photo of Sandy, by the way!
