Saturday, May 3, 2014

True Love, Gifts

Some time ago I took one of those tests designed to determine what character you would be in a movie. The movie was "The Princess Bride" and my match was Westley (played by Cary Elwes). I thought, "what, are you kidding? I'm probably more like the goofy and annoying Vizzini "(played by Wallace Shawn). Inconceivable!

But then I thought back on the test questions and scenes in the movie and realized that Westley's motivation for everything was, True Love. Of course the primary focus was his love for Buttercup (the Princess Bride), but if you pay attention you will notice that he has a love even for his adversaries. For example, he is engaged in a fight to the death with Fezzik (played by the late Andre the Giant). During the course of the fight he does not spew out words of hatred and blood lust, he just calmly approaches the situation as another challenge to be confronted. He overcomes Fezzik without even injuring him, and they later become friends.

When I think about it honestly, my primary motivation actually is True Love. I don't always practice it perfectly, and I don't even apply to myself as well as I do with others, but that does seem to be at the core of most of what I do. As I have matured (gotten old) I seem to practice it better.
I have had many people ask me how I put up with so many difficult situations and people without lashing out in anger or retaliation. Many have stated that my ability to remain calm under fire is unbelievable. Some have said I'm too calm, but the outcome indicates that they were incorrect. The source of this ability is my True Love to serve God by helping people, and the Holy Spirit provides me with that gift.

You have probably heard that the term "love" has many meanings and is often mis-used. I can say that I "love" avocados, grilled fish, cruising at 70 mph across the water on a jet ski. But what I'm really saying is that those things make ME feel good. That is not True Love. I can even say that I "love" a certain woman, when "in love" may be the more accurate phrase because what I'm really saying is being with her makes ME feel good. When I develop True Love for a woman then I serve and help her without requiring reciprocation. I won't get into long-term relationships here, but for one to work, each must have True Love for each other.

I believe that True Love is the desire to minister to God's creations. Obviously the primary ministry is to people, needy people, hurting people, and people who just need support to carry a burden.  Another form of ministry would be to animals, rehabilitating them, saving them from danger, etc. I think True Love involves ministering (helping) when the opportunity presents itself.

True Love does not always have to be an intimate relationship between two people, or specific help to a hurting person or animal, it is often between friends and groups of friends. Just the sharing of life experiences and being in each others company has a beneficial, ministering effect.

From the time I was a very young child I had a "love" for turtles. One of the first words I learned was "tuttle." I always stop and move turtles off the road. I sometimes keep them for awhile, take good care of them, then release them in a safe place.Let's be honest, though turtles are interesting creatures they really aren't affectionate, they're kind of cold and self-absorbed. They have tiny brains, they don't coming running to meet me at the door when I come home. They don't like to cuddle or be held.The only time they come to me is when I'm holding a wriggling worm out for them to eat, then they walk away with it. So, my love for turtles is simply to take care of them, expecting nothing in return. They don't make ME feel good. I just help them as one of God's creations.

True Love involving people is difficult because it often results in rejection, and it can be taken advantage of (abused). I'm reading a book, and this statement hit home with me:
"We are tested through rejection and misunderstanding so that we can overcome rejection. If we are to accomplish the purposes of God, we must come to the level of maturity where "the love of Christ controls us" (II Corinthians 5:14)." So, the love of Christ, rather than the love of making ourselves feel good is what controls us, and experiencing and overcoming rejection makes us better at that, hmmm.

Many people (me included) hold back on practicing True Love, because it can result in pain. There is a line from a song "I'm going to love you like I've never been hurt before, I'm going to love you like I'm indestructible." When I think about this now, it brings new meaning to 1 John 4:18: "there is no fear in love, perfect love casts out fear."

In the next post I will cover gifts, and how those are given to each of us so we can demonstrate True Love to others.

Below are photos of Rowdy, the box turtle I just released, and PD (Porch Dog) who always comes to visit me at my lake house.


Barbara said...

You have put forth much to think about, prime example of how pain brings about good. 'Good' here means God's plans. Our pastor spoke on this last Sunday....Romans 8:28. He said we interpret good as something good for US. He said it means 'the plan God is working out'. The emphasis then is not on us. Much to think about.

Bro Bob said...

So good Ray to see that you are keeping a God-centered focus even thru all the changes that you have experienced in your life. That's what "Standing Firm" in the Faith is all about. You are a testimony to the rest of us. Glad to see that you resurrected the Blog. Always good to hear your thoughts and keep up with your current events!