Sunday, April 7, 2019


I don't usually use big words like "conundrum" but I thought it was appropriate for this post dealing with the situation where people who consider themselves highly educated or "intellectual" find themselves with a "an intricate and difficult problem."
The difficult and intricate problem I am speaking of is when people who are Christians state that Intelligent Design Theory should not be taught in schools because it is not "real science." They state that it is "bad science."

Why do I believe this is a conundrum? Here is why. If one is a Christian, they believe in the God described in the Holy Bible, and that the Holy Bible is divinely inspired-that everything in the Holy Bible is true. So, they must believe that God created earth and everything (including living things) on it. True Christians must believe that God created earth, plants, animals, and people. Based on all the information provided in the Bible, Christians have to conclude that God represents an intelligent life form (at a minimum).

Intelligent design theory states that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an un-directed process. The theory is that the design of the earth and the living things on it are the result of an intelligent design, made by an intelligent designer.

Real science involves using the scientific process. The scientific process in its purest form, eliminates subjectivity. Real science reveals truth.

So, if one believes that God (an intelligent designer) created the earth and all living things, that means they consider it to be a truth. Any scientific process or scientific theory that contradicts that truth is not "real science" because it does not reveal truth. Intelligent design theory does not contradict that truth, it supports it. There is another theory, currently taught in schools, that states that our earth and all living things were created by random, undirected activity, with no evidence pointing to the necessity of an intelligent designer. Since this clearly does not support the truth as a Christian understand it, it is not real science.

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