Friday, March 21, 2008


I figure since I am in Thailand on my current project I should say a little about the trip and post a few photos. I have not had time to sight-see any, I have just been working full days. I may get a chance in the next day or so, I should have a few interesting photos then.

The trip began with my main suitcase being lost by the Airlines. After about an hour of discussion, we concluded that lost meant they really had no idea where the suitcase might be and if/when I might get it. Well, I did get the bag about a day and a half later, with only minor conveniences. People had to see me with about 3 days of beard growth ( a lot for me) and wearing the same jeans. I've endured worse hardships.

I am working with some very nice people and getting to eat some really great food. The variety here is better than my last location, Batam Island Indonesia. Seafood is plentiful, affordable, and wonderfully prepared. The hotel is located at the beach in Pattaya, so I get to go for an evening walk and eat dinner along the waterfront. That is a fanastic way to end the day.

As I said, the folks here are nice, but I am suffering a little from "ear strain." Most people are familiar with "eye strain." Ear strain is similar. Instead of struggling to read fine print or read in dim lighting, I am trying to understand people that barely speak english, and speak it with an unfamiliar accent, with extreme distortion of pronounciation. Now, these folks are doing better than I, because I only speak English, but it still causes strain. My last trip was worse because I was trying to understand a team of people with Indonesian, Malaysian, Spanish and Chinese accents.

More later.

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