Monday, May 26, 2008

All Thai'd Up

I forgot to mention in my last post that it is great to see my friends here in Thailand again. The first photo is the view from the restaurant we ate in just after I got off the rig. Excellent food, excellent view, excellent friends.

There has been some degree of pressure, I am responsible for the final stages of a project for a major oil company that was started about one year ago. They have poured a lot of money and effort into this, but not yet received any of the benefits of this new equipment. Everyone is getting anxious.

The second photo is a shot of the drilling rig derrick, with one of the jack-up legs in the foreground. Steel, bearings, structures, machines, grease… that is my life-or at least a considerable portion of it. That brings me to another point, I really miss my family. I have been away from them for about 80% of this year so far. I’m ready to spend some time with them, but that will have to wait just a little longer.

Since I hit the ground I have had so many career-related opportunities poured out that it is like drinking from a fire hydrant. I am very blessed. I know that God has orchestrated this. The opportunities for both the engineering and movie producing portions of my career are abundant. It has not all gone according to plan (my plan, that is) but I am fairly certain that this is all going according to His plan. Since 1995 I have been handing over my career to God’s will. It has been a step-by-step process. As I look back I see how He has been growing, shaping, teaching and preparing me to do the works He has planned for me. It is good. I admit that not having a crystal clear, precise “business plan” for my career is somewhat uncomfortable, it gives Him room to steer me the right way.

I think I will be Thai’d up with work for awhile.

I’m working on another post, I believe it will be titled “Teaching Cats to Bark.” This one will take awhile, it summarizes what God has been trying to get into my thick skull for about, 47 years.

The last photo is an artsy view of a jack-up leg. This is used to lift the whole rig up out of the water. Pinion gears engage the big rack teeth seen in the photo, it is like the rack-and-pinion steering on your car, but much bigger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful still photography. Blog visitors are getting quite an education on the intricacies of off-shore drilling operations too!

It is great to hear how the Lord is entrusting you with increasing prosperity. He knows that as we mature in our Faith we develop an increasing "capacity" to be able to handle increased blessing.

As far our career plans and HIS plans are concerned ... Proverbs 19:21 says it all, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."