Friday, May 2, 2008


I'm here in Scotland on a project with a team made up of people from various parts of the world, each having specific areas of expertise. We're all engineers of some discipline, with several people having advanced degrees (not me). Each one was picked to cover the various different aspects of the project, involving the service life of an FPSO (anchored boat that sucks oil out of the seabed). These folks are smart, they have a lot of experience, and they know what they are doing. I've worked along with people having these qualification before, but these people are different. They aren't arrogant or annoying at all, in fact, they are a lot of fun. They don't seem to be trying to make themselves sound smart, or try to prove their worth, or trying to "one up" the others in the group. Wow is that refreshing! I'm really enjoying working with these folks. When I shut my mouth and listen, I learn a lot from each of them.

The two men who have coordinated all the activities/meetings/work schedules while we are here are incredibly organized and accomodating. This may likely spoil me for any other work.

The photos are of the team visiting the Castle Fraser, the team onboard the FPSO just before boarding the helicopter to leave, and the view of the FPSO from the helicopter.


Barb said...

Good to get a post from you. So glad it has turned out to be such an enjoyable project. Not having a huge language barrier has minimized the problems I am sure. Will be looking forward to hearing more about it. Have a safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

Your loved ones back home will be encouraged to note that you are being well cared for there. They'll definitely be pleased to see that you have been provided with a full set of operating instructions sewn to the knee of that vogue looking rubber FPSO suit. Should any emergencies arise, the solution is right there on your knee! Quite a Fashion Statment too!

Aside from the jokes, it looks like the Lord has hooked you up with a lot of pleasant people in both Thailand and Scotland. That's a definite "Praise!"