Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Say "Cheese" or "Lunch"

I had a reminder today that I am back in Thailand. I went to the client’s office in Bangkok for a pre-meeting before heading offshore. I found out that we hadn’t exactly followed all the rules in my last four trips to the rig, so today we had to do some paperwork that I wasn’t prepared for. The logistics coordinator asked if I had my regulation-sized visa photos with me. I was fresh out of those believe it or not. So, she replied “no problem, we can get them done here, follow me.” So, I followed her. We went by all the office cubicles, out the office door, took the elevator down to the lobby, then out the front door, across two lanes of traffic, between several clusters of street vendors, and into…a tiny restaurant. I stood there and looked around a moment while the logistics coordinator spoke briefly with the waitress. I noticed that all the tables were prepared with place settings and food. They were just minutes away from serving lunch for a pre-planned party. The waitress quickly moved a table in the corner about two feet away from the wall. Removed one chair, then spun the other chair around with its back against the wall. I noticed that the walls, on one side were “decorated” with a white non-reflective cloth, which apparently served well for the visa/passport photo background. They quickly set me down, whipped out a tiny tripod-mounted camera, had a brief discussion between themselves about framing (I assume that was the point of discussion), then said “cheese.” Within about 2 minutes of the flash going off the waitress had the table and chairs back in place and was seating the guests that were now pouring into the restaurant. Two photos popped out of a printer. She plucked them out as she whisked by, handed them off to the logistics coordinator, and resumed seating guests. What can I say? Welcome to Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Wow Ray! This account sounds like a scene from one of those Matt Damon, Bourne Identity movies! It seems unreal that I could be conversing with you at Bill's 40th party a weekend ago, and then read this blog entry written half way around the world only a few days later. You had mentioned in a phone conversation that this might be your final trip to Thailand. That's a good thing as this work stuff is really cutting into your kayak time!!!

Barb said...

I know that having to go to Thailand again is somewhat a drag for you, but it certainly makes for some fun reading for me! I would think that being halfway around the world changes ones prespective on most everything. Things are still crazy and getting crazier every day in this part of the world. Wonder what your coworkers there are thining about our election and our present economy crisis.
The weather is fabulous. Missing, MOM