Monday, October 6, 2008

Too Much Fun

I could not figure out what to title this post. The past two weekends have been quite “big” for me, and they followed just after the two-week recovery from Hurricane Ike. It has been an exhausting month, mostly fun, but definitely exhausting. I just had the premiere showing of my movie “Spirits Among Us.” It was my first feature-length film, and I just recently completed all the post-production, so the weeks leading up to the event were filled with preparation activity. In addition, on the prior weekend we had a guest, Rich Christiano, visit with us and show his movie “Time Changer” at our church. Getting his event prepared, promoting it, then helping run the event was great fun, but it consumed some energy. Of course, just two weeks prior, Hurricane Ike pummeled us. We had gotten our electricity back on just a few days prior to Rich’s arrival. I can’t say the Hurricane was fun, but some very good things came out of it. We thoroughly cleaned our refrigerators and freezes, the kids learned to do activities other than electronic games, we got to know our neighbors better, and we got to endure a little hardship together as a family-which is actually good for relationships in my opinion.

So, I’m exhausted and life is switching back to “normal” mode. After I get rested up I’m sure my brain will take off running again with new ideas for media projects. So I will probably switch back to “abnormal mode” in a few weeks, which for me is actually more “normal.”

The photos are of my car parked at our lake house with so many branches down that the driveway is blocked, a turtle that showed up in our yard after the storm, and a scene from the movie premiere. Visit my other blog to learn more about that.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Whoa.........can't imagine what the rest of your yard looks like. Sooooo.........looks like Thanksgiving will be a good old family clean up time.