Friday, November 21, 2008


We had a great evening. Our daughter was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. We are proud parents. Not proud in the sense that her accomplishment reflects on us, or is proof that we are good parents. We are proud that she has worked hard and put her best into her schoolwork. She used her time wisely to do the job at hand (schoolwork) to the best of her ability. We are so pleased that she is honored for her dedication and accomplishment.
In an era where people become "celebrities" because their father is rich and they are spoiled, it is great to see a bunch of young boys and girls get recognized for doing their best at something that will have a positive impact on their lives and the lives of the community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is ok to be proud! M.J. is a smart girl and is dedicated to doing her best at whatever tasks she is faced with. That was apparent from conversations with her on the SAU set. I still think she would do well as an actress in one of your future films. With her focused mindset, she would definitely be a "one take" actor in any role you give her!