Saturday, November 29, 2008

Renaissance Festival

We had a surprise event yesterday. We went to the Texas Renaissance Festival. A friend of ours had two free tickets, so we only had to buy two more for the whole family to go. As it turned out, our neighbors were going too, so we met up there and had a fun time.
The first three images you see below are of Megan on the bungee cord-trampoline device that gives you the ability to jump very, very high in the air. I didn't catch the name of the thing. You see from the sequence of shots that she starts with apprehension and ends with uncontrolled laugther.

The second three shots are of my son on the same device. You can see he had no fear. He immediately started doing flips. I think he spun three times in one of the jumps. I believe he had fun.

The following are a couple random shots, including our neighbor's daughter getting her head chopped off. It was a different kind of event, with different kind of people, and all very fun.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Glad you got to go to the Renaissance Festival....have heard it is alot of fun. Hey, I want to see a pic of you and Gail on the trampoline! Actually, we had a Model A tour to Anderville that day and commented on the festival as we passed the area...guess you guys were there!