Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pile it On

What a day I had yesterday !
I am not saying that everything went wrong or I had a lousy day, I just had an "action packed" day that challenged my new resolve to keep focused on God and not get stressed-out or beaten down by the struggles of life. The pressures were actually due to having plentiful well-paying work, it just got a little overwhelming, like drinking from a fire hydrant.
Let me make a list and see if I can raise your blood pressure, I use terms like "client 1, etc." to avoid any legal issues:
1. Arrived at the office at 7:00 a.m. to wrap up details and attend a meeting for client 1 for project 1 so I could leave for my trip to Thailand for client 2 and client 3 for project 2.
2. At 7:10 I discovered that client 1 had an urgent project (project 3) for which I was qualified to do. It likely involved a trip to Vietnam in addition to evaluating numerous reports in the next several hours and days.
3. Went to meeting at 8:30 am, spent approximately 30 minutes defending my calculations to several very experienced Asian professionals.
4. At 10:00 am, apologized to meeting chairman for leaving meeting early to attend other meeting to discuss project 3 and project 4.
5. At 10:15 checked email between meetings and found out from distributor that I had to re-master the dvd for "Spirits Among Us" before leaving for Thailand in order to meet the January release date. I had made a mistake on the dvd I had sent earlier.
6. At 10:30 met with client 1 to discuss project 3 and 4. Found out that I may need to fit in a trip to Vietnam while I was in Thailand working on project 2. Also discovered that I needed to prepare a proposal within the next few hours to do project 3 and contact vendors to verify support for project 3.

Wait a minute! I just decided that it is not nice for me to do this to you. To wrap it up, the remainder of the day, which lasted until 6:00 pm went along the same lines as what you see in list items 1 through 6. I rushed from the office to the movie theater to have a date with my wife, which was a very welcome break from the hectic day. I worked until 2:00 a.m. after we came home from the movie so I could finish up the most urgent work. Then I woke up at 7:20 am so I could see the kids off to school and do the remaining work before leaving on my trip. Are you nice and relaxed now?

Now I am in the Los Angeles airport for a 5 hour layover. Five hours.

So what is the point of this rambling? Yesterday I called my client/co-worker/friend/counselor/brother in Christ to vent all my frustrations. He said, "great, here is an opportunity to see if you really believe Romans 8:28 as you say you do." He was correct. I had a paradigm shift at that point. I realized that:
a) I was stressed because I had bountiful work opportunities, even during a recession
and b) God would work out the "unfortunate events" for good, since I do love Him and I am called to His purpose.

My life is not "easy" but it is very good. God is very good to me. While I don't pray that those reading this blog are put through undue trials, I do pray that He blesses you through experiences that help you to grow nearer to Him.

I need to write a funny post, this one was too serious!

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