Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tapioca Development

This post is just a compilation of random observations and thoughts, with no cohesive theme, and no particular purpose. I hope you don't find reading it to be a complete waste of your time. Each observation or thought has it own title.


I went to breakfast at the hotel the morning after leaving the rig. I turned the corner at the end of the buffet and saw...little tiny dried fish. Hallelujah!, they brought back the fish and got rid of the red cubes! I decided to be indulgent and have two bowls of my favorite rice/fish/chili pepper/soy combination. What a treat. I guess the waitstaff had grown tired of watching people spit their half-chewed red cubes onto their plates.


I saw a large industrial building with a sign on it which read "Tapioca Development Corporation." It made me think, just how much can tapioca be "developed?" I understand how business plans are developed, I understand how car designs are developed, I understand that organizations of people develop, but tapioca? I thought you just made pudding and, ate it. Not much development. Later that day I saw a billboard that read "tapioca, the magical plant." So, there must be something to this tapioca, something that I am just ignorant about. I will have to look into this to see what drives this interest in tapioca.


The Thai people don't typically use chop sticks, they use knives, forks and spoons. But, they use a specially designed spoon for soup. The spoon is made of ceramic. It is uniquely shaped in a manner that ensures that you will produce a slurp sound with every bite. I am not kidding, I have yet to figure out how to eat soup quietly using one of the spoons. The only way I can imagine using one of these quietly would be to tilt my head way back and just use the spoon to simply pour it into my mouth. I have not tried this, I don't want to look like a complete goofball in a restaurant full of people.


If you want to laugh hard at some quirky humor, see the movie "Waitress."


I periodically have stress dreams. They fall into three categories:
1. I'm back in school
2. I can't effectively write my name and phone number, or
3. I can't find a suitable place to use the restroom

I won't go into painstaking detail here, but will just provide an example or two of dreams in each category.
I'm back in school, I can't find the classroom and I am running late for a test. I find the room, then realize I forgot to study for the test, and on top of it all, I notice that I'm only wearing boxer shorts!
I'm trying to write down my contact information for a client, or someone else important. We are in a hurry, maybe having to catch a plane or something of that nature. No matter how many times I try, I can't write my name and number. Sometimes the paper is too small, sometimes it tears, sometimes the ink from the pen flows out and blurs the writing rendering it illegible. Time is running out and the frustration builds as I try over and over to write my name and number.
I'm at a friend's house, or maybe at a client's office and I have to use the restroom, very badly. I can't find a suitable restroom for the longest time. When I find the restroom and begin to relieve myself, I discover that it really isn't a suitable restroom and all. Sometimes I realize that the "toilet" is actually a flower pot, or maybe just a small drain on the floor. One time, I realized that I was having to aim into those little plastic holders used for storing contact lenses!
Upon reflection on these dreams, I believe that I might be a little bit insane.


The photograph is of a towel that I discovered upon checking into my hotel room. I have not seen one of these since we went on a cruise several years back. I think they are pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

It is good thing that I have the gift for interpreting dreams! And because of that, I would have to say that your analysis of being "insane" is a bit harsh! ... I'd say "warped" yes, but insane, no! That's why you are such a comfortable person to be around on set and off.... the rest of us warped and crazy ones feel we are in good company!

Ok, a little more serious here. You are right on with your thoughts about "evolution". Not too long ago there was a movie in the theaters, and now on DVD, that dealt deftly with that subject. It was titled, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. A good view.

DGW said...

Bro Bob
Thanks for using your gift of dream interpretation. I'm just glad my "warpedness" is somehow used to benefit others.
I did see "expelled" very recently, I found it very thought-provoking.

Barb said...

Okay, I have the dream about getting lost, etc. at school, but the other two are very INTERESTING!! Would not dare to try to interpret the restroom dream, but I will say it is interesting to consider!!!
Liked your analogy of the machinery and evolution...right on.