Monday, December 8, 2008

Red Cubes

I pushed my luck today and tried another new item on the breakfast buffet.

They have made some changes to the buffet since my previous visits. There is a section with two types of rice boiled until it is a mushy soup. One is plain rice, the other has chicken added. Along with the rice there are little bowls of various condiments that one adds to the rice to flavor it. One of the condiments that is now missing is tiny little fried salty fish. It might sound a bit unsavory, but I actually like to put the fish in with the rice and add a little of the chili pepper sauce. Well, the fish is gone and has been replaced with red cubes approximately 1 inch in size. There is no label to identify the cubes, and they have no recognizable features associated with any food group that I know of. My positive experience with the green goo a couple days ago emboldened me to try more new foods. I decided to take a chance and toss a red cube into my bowl of rice along with some chili sauce for good measure.

The experience with the red cube was not so good, actually it was quite revolting. As I bit into the cube I discovered it was made primarily of salt, mixed with a small amount of...mushy food-like substance with an unrecognizable flavor. I swear it was saltier than eating pure salt. I don't know how that is possible. I couldn't get it out of my mouth fast enough.

So, if you are at a breakfast buffet in Thailand I recommend the green goo. Stay away from the red cubes.

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