Thursday, December 11, 2008


I had a special treat yesterday after work. We went to a local museum of Chinese and Thai culture. I did not realize the amount of Chinese influence in this country.

What I found particularly interesting were the number of statues of part man-part animal creatures, and lots and lots of dragons. I don't think it is just art and myth, I think there is something to it.
The man standing next to me is my good friend, Pradit. He suggested that we visit here today and he showed me around the place. The first photo is of a terracotta soldier. If you see "The Mummy Returns" you can see these in the movie. The movie is not totally accurate, but there were thousands of these buried with the emperor (I can't recall his name).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...something to it..?" Like idolatry perhaps? Ok, forgive me, I had a sudden attack of "Smart Mouth"!   Beautiful still shots giving us good insights into the Thai culture. The big question though, which myself and the rest of your prayer partners would like to know... is the man you are standing next to in the 3rd photo, Pradit, the man you have been witnessing to???