Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Liked Waiting

For the first time, I actually was happy about having to wait in line. I went to the voting location at my normal time, 7:00 a.m. I have been voting there since we moved here in 1996. I have never, ever had to wait in any line. Today the line ran out from the voting room out nearly to the street. There were around 80 people in line when I got there, and almost that many when I left 40 minutes later. I did not grumble about having to wait, I was happy to see that people were exercising the privilege to vote.
I am definitely not a political activist, but I have to say that I encourage everyone who has not already done so, to go stand in a long line, then vote of course. I also encourage people to look beyond the marketing tactics and look at voting records, to see what these candidates are really all about.

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