Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Attitude Adjustment

Well, since my last post where I whined about things that irritate me, chaotic traffic being a primary one, I got my attitude adjusted. I had a unique experience, I got to attend one day of a traditional seven day Thai funeral service. The man whom I rode elephants with, and have driven to and from work with every day got a phone call a couple days ago. His father-in-law had just been killed in a motorcycle and bus collision. He was riding the motorcycle.

I won't go into all the details of the service and how it differs (very much so) from American-style ones. I will just say that I got reminded once again to get my focus off of life's irritations and keep them on the people involved in my life. The irritations will always be here, my friends, co-workers and loved ones will not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Motorcycle mishap! that's getting a little close to home. It is high risk requiring a lot of prayer before any ride.

We can all identify with grumbling, complaining,and pity parties knowing that the Lord has a way of adjusting our attitude, and bringing us back to a state of gratitude!