Sunday, February 24, 2008


I had the chance to have some time at our lake house this weekend. We did a quick switch at the last minute and ended up bringing our daughter's friend and sent our son over to his friend's place. The point of all this is, I got to spend time with people I care about in a place that illustrates God's creative genius, at it re-emphasized to me what I appreciate in my life.

These photos are not even close to an all-inclusive representation of who and what I appreciate, but they do provide a glimpse.

The point of this is, people that God has placed in my life are the real meaning of life. I still struggle with it, but enhancing the lives of those around me is so much more important that "getting the job done."

Soon, though I can't define "soon" I will post a series of photos to more complete my "appreciation visualization" theme.

God is good, He has truly blessed my life. I pray that I will "see" that better.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for including my "dream photo" in the collection of picture posts. I am humbled to be included with those that are in your inner circle. I wish that I could say that the pix shows me working as a big time cinematographer on a movie project, but alas, it's me at a trade show where the ARRI camera people let visitors try on their products! AArgh!

Anonymous said...

Ray, seeing Tina's daughter in the photo with Meagan triggered a reminder to tell you that I think we should include her in the DGW Productions file for "potential actresses". If DGW doesn't put her under contract, Disney may beat us to it! She, Meagan and Cory are good kids and taleneted too!