Saturday, February 2, 2008

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

I don't know where that phrase came from, my wife used it a lot when we first got married and I thought it was pretty silly. She told me "everyone knows that phrase." I didn't believe her, and told her so. Then one day we were watching "Blade Runner" and the two robots greet their owner with that phrase when he arrives home. "See, everyone knows it" my wife said when that scene came up. Well, I stand corrected.

The actual point of this post is to emphasize how nice it is to be back home with the family. And I have been grilling steaks and hamburgers since I've been home. I forget how nice it is just to hang out and talk with everyone during dinner time, watch a movie together, work out in the gym with my son, listen to all the latest happenings from my wife, walk the dog, etc.

The photo is of my daughter and our pet dog while out on a family boating trip with the in-laws. It illustrates to me the comfortable feeling of being with the ones you love.

Home is good, family is good, life is good.


Anonymous said...

I am surprised you didn't know that phrase. The way we said it was ".....jiggedy jog" though. I can well remember my mother saying that everytime we came home from a trip. She was a homebody and loved getting back to her little nest (which she kept with pride) Sorry if I failed to pass that down....a wonderful phrase.

Kristen70 said...

That phrase came from an old Rhyme which was in a Mother Goose book that I had as a child. As I remember it went,
"To market, to market to buy a fresh pig,
Home again, home again, jiggety jig.
To market, to market, to buy a fresh hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety jog."

So your wife and barb are both correct!