Friday, February 22, 2008

Flashing My Lights

On the way to work yesterday I noticed someone behind me, really close behind me, flashing their headlights. By the time it caught my eye the person had probably flashed them a couple times. They flashed them a few times more and got close enough to my rear bumper that I could no longer see the headlights on their car. I could tell they were very impatient with me driving so slow in front of them. They were probably fuming and just incensed that I wouldn't speed up, or at least move over so they could charge ahead past me. I didn't move over and I didn't speed up.

At this point you are probably thinking that I was just getting even with the "jerk" behind me. Or, maybe you're thinking that I am a "jerk" that just likes to get in people's way, irritate them, slow down their progress, make them late to an appointment, etc. Some of you might be thinking I should have tapped my brakes, "yeah, take that!" Read on.

I left out an important detail, to give you a similar perspective as the other driver. You see, I had just slowed down from 50 mph to 35 mph as I approached the speedtrap zone that myself and the driver were passing through. This driver was probably not familiar with this route and didn't realize the dramatic drop in speed limit, and the fact that several days of the week policemen are there handing out tickets. I didn't move to another lane primarily because I would have missed my exit if I had, and he likely would have blasted right through the speed trap and greeted an officer positioned just over the top of the overpass.

Now you are likely thinking, "is there a point to all this rambling?" Yes there is.

In fact, 95% of my waking hours I am the driver flashing his lights. There is so much in life that I want, no...NEED to do that every little circumstance that slows me down causes me stress as I try to push it ahead or run around it so I can "get on with it!" I need to realize that many times the circumstance that "gets in my way" is actually for my own good. Rather than kick and push and fret and stress I need to have a little more faith that the person I'm following (that would be God) is setting the right pace for me. I guess if I don't stop flashing my lights at Him, he may tap His brakes.

Oh, the photo is of a car I had many years ago, its lights flashed great-when they worked!

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