Saturday, February 16, 2008

Busy is as Busy does

That is the phrase that popped into my head today when I realized that I have once again gotten my life so busy that I don't relax and enjoy life. The phrase is my personal version of the common phrase "stupid is as stupid does." For me, "busy" is my Achilles heel.

The photo is a shot taken of me directing the church scene for my movie "Spirits Among Us." It was a typical busy shooting day. Synchronizing people and equipment, giving direction, adjusting to changes, expediting activities, coordinating, checking the shot list, the schedule, etc. I was running at high speed and surviving on energy drinks during that time. You might be able to see my level of intensity in the photo. That is all pretty normal for movie production, but here is the problem: I find myself living my life as if I were directing a movie on a tight schedule and budget. I try over and over to slow down, "smell the roses," enjoy life, but I always drift back into a tightly scheduled pace.

I pray about this, I try to intentionally slow down and take it easy. But that hasn't worked so well so far. I don't have an answer here, just the question. Well, onto my next task!


Anonymous said...

Well... I can truthfully say that I have never seen you in a state of boredom ... Tired? Yes! Bored? NO!

Maybe what is needed is a few of those yellow, triangular, highway signs to post above your computer, in your car, in your garage, on your video camera,& even at your client's locations; that says, "Steep Grade Ahead,Use Low Gear" (!!!)

Barb said...

Right on, Bob. We all are constantly trying to get a balance in our lives....some fight lethargy, others fight to enjoy the moment. As a sister-in-law once told me, "I'd rather burn out than rust out" My nature agrees with her, as does Ray's. However, I do know it is hard to 'hear' when the motor is running wide open. Barb